List of Articles

Resources Science Research. Vol. 4, No. 1, 2022

3D Printing Technology : Food Tech Analysis
3D 프린팅 기술: 푸드테크 분석
Resour Sci Res 2022;4(1):1-11.
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Antibiotics in Livestock and Their Effects on the Human Health: Mini Review
Resour Sci Res 2022;4(1):12-20.
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Antioxidant Activity and Quality Properties of Yogurt with Black Rice Flour
흑미 가루를 첨가한 요거트의 항산화 활성과 품질 특성
Resour Sci Res 2022;4(1):21-29.
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Comparison of Appearance Acceptability and Eating Quality Characteristics between Iberian Jamon Grades
이베리코 하몽 등급 간 관능 특성 차이 비교
Resour Sci Res 2022;4(1):30-37.
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Comparison of Nutritional Composition and Texture among Livers from Rabbit, Pig, and Hanwoo (Korean Cattle)
토끼, 돼지 및 한우 간의 영양성분 및 조직감 비교
Resour Sci Res 2022;4(1):38-47.
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Effect of Oxygen Concentration in Modified Atmosphere Packaging on the Superoxide Dismutase Activity and Oxidation Stability of Ground Beef
MAP 산소 농도가 세절한 쇠고기의 SOD 활성 및 산화안정성에 미치는 영향
Resour Sci Res 2022;4(1):48-55.
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Establishment of Mixing Ratios for Senior-Friendly Gelatin Gels Formulated with κ-Carrageenan and Calcium Chloride using the Response Surface Methodology
반응표면분석을 이용한 카파 카라기난과 염화칼슘 첨가 고령친화형 젤라틴 젤의 최적 배합비율 확립
Resour Sci Res 2022;4(1):56-66.
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